Time summary

The Time summary provides a graphical representation of how time was spent. In it, you see how much time was spent in the various time categories, such as productive, other work, non work, idle, unknown, or missing hours.

Hover your mouse over a bar to see a detailed breakdown of the time.

Note: When you click a bar in the Time summary, the other summaries on this page are filtered to reflect your selection. For instance, if you click the Wednesday bar, the Applications summary is updated to only show you the applications used on Wednesday.

The expected hours are entered by the associate. You can change the display to show hours instead of percentages by toggling these buttons in the top, right corner of the page:

When you have the percentage display toggled, the green line shows the expected production %, which provides a baseline productivity measure for each department and team. This percentage is arbitrarily assigned when Workforce Intelligence is implemented. For instance, you might set the production % for a team at 40% of the total expected hours.

When you have the hours display toggled, the green line show the expected production hours.

This percentage is also used to calculate the expected production hours:

Expected hours * Production % = Expected production hours

Note: For more information on how to drill up or down, see Moving through your hierarchy.



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